Please click images for links to a few of my favorite things, or proceed below for my writing.

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

butterflies, rafael aroujo

Rockefeller Center NYC - Mina Hu

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

mina vesper gokal




Pretty Little Peonies

Constellations rain down upon the dark planets
which hover inside my mind.
Nothing ever taught me more than these
stellar bright silences.
In a dream, we layed upon fresh summer grass;
glimmering emerald tendrils in the deep of night,
and looked towards the skies
for Revelations.
I bit my tongue until it bled so much,
I started choking on the truth.
Someone said the truth is meant to fly.
Why then hold on to anything
other than This moment
made with warring wings.

I am not a man
I am a mystery.
No science book or fiction
can change that simple fact.

Through one man I understand thousands,
and through thousands,
Strangers shed light
on my own
human nature
In the same places
where family
the blood run deep.

 Deep in the south
my evolution began,
near a watering brook,
and just like that river,
never finished.

What is memory
but allegory;

a desk, a chair, a flood of papers there,
a forest, a train, a pencil, and a dream.

 New York City
The Northern Lights
Bengal Tigers


Bicycles, fortyards, firecrackers,
and cemetaries;


I wake up and realize
that this
is the lucid dream.

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