Please click images for links to a few of my favorite things, or proceed below for my writing.

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

butterflies, rafael aroujo

Rockefeller Center NYC - Mina Hu

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

mina vesper gokal




Einstein's Cliff

my understanding          of time altered
by perception       and       sensation of 
correlating to a fixed point in space of
which there is no such true thing except
in the exception of relation to another
fixed and unfixed location of a thing
which brings me to formulate a certain
before which a multitude of undeniable
things are put to the edge of a question
and set to raise their own answers or
death.                   Such as permanence,
impermanence.               Creation and
destruction.   Such things as words and
understanding.       Communion and the
essence of a meaning unattached to
word but an isolated case like a solo
flight of white bird that hangs suspended
beyond the reach of the black night of
time and or gravity unseamingly
disintegrates in the presence of such
highly unmarkable things. such as you.


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