Please click images for links to a few of my favorite things, or proceed below for my writing.

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

butterflies, rafael aroujo

Rockefeller Center NYC - Mina Hu

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

mina vesper gokal




Faded Moon, constant store light

chrysanthemums, i cannot de-syphon the code,
The colander, and coriander - mixing waters in this present, tense, only passing through
the nots that came before it like a potted plant -
roots so deeply embedded
re"plant"ing is a paradox.

Windstorm, I am passing through a bird

Muscular disc trophy,
My old fascial release.

Purr the gentle kitten paws
perching on a high wire
softly treads a sky below a ground above our feat

triumph is a zero in place of one,
to steal a second on the outer planks of darkness

how i know you could be anywhere
or here testing rope strings in the nightime with me,

pale eon dual threaded moon

his and hers
yours and theirs
but never hours

a polaroid
but it fades.

i am wearing a holographic ring tied around my finger
to remember.
or otherwise Saturn
is a jewel,
and my grasp
an outstretched milky way.

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