Please click images for links to a few of my favorite things, or proceed below for my writing.

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

butterflies, rafael aroujo

Rockefeller Center NYC - Mina Hu

reverse of volume - onishi yasuaki

mina vesper gokal




If and When Should Ever Want Want

If modern day gypsies were nomads,
and hearts were less mental than cyberspace,
I'd be this mover and this packer.

A hall labeled You-Haul would
host all of my most sacred possessions.
But I scraped my wrist on the packaging tape
while sealing off a box labeled with the letters
              h  o  p  e

I drew a map for your treasure hunt
made with palm lines and fingerprints,
and boxes were a part of this trajectory.
It is suggestable to live in codes.
Pieces of yellows, blues, and lavenders,
such a collision scope of confetti
to mark different measures in this path.

It will be a long ride, and a very tall order
in a giant-sized truck, fit for two,
but seating one.
And I'll be staring at the yellow line
that draws staccato down the middle
of you and back again.

Earthtones hit the pavement
when I start to remember how
to use the breaks.
Otherwise, everything is lined
in yellows, flourescent yellows,
effervescent marigolds between
an army of traffic lights, and you.

Poles witness the demise of rubber
planted dreams,
to most other eyes, remaining
Which may be the fittest place;
not for you,
but for me.
But for me;
the world would go on
but for me.

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